7 APP untuk UKM

Your small business has a Twitter account and a presence on Facebook and Instagram. So you’re all set, right?
Not so fast! That doesn’t mean you’ve got yourself covered in the social media apps department.
There are social media tools that can help every small business do business more efficiently, win more customers and sell more. Wanna know more?
#1 Bit.ly
Posting on social media platforms like Twitter is a must. But businesses also need to shorten their links, and they need some analytics about audience engagement with what’s been posted. Enter Bitly.
#2 Sendible
People are talking about your businesses, and you need to know what customers (or ex-customers – ouch!) are saying. Sendible helps companies monitor and react to mentions of their brands on social media.
#3 Mail Chimp
Do you have a newsletter? Do you send it out regularly? MailChimp can help. It’s an email marketing service that sends out about 4 billion newsletters each month (yes that’s billion with a ‘b’). 
#4 Sprout Social
There are other apps that will help you engage with your customers by finding opportunities to publish messages and join conversations on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. For example, Sprout Social.
#5 Square
Square allows any business owner with a smartphone (or other such mobile device) to accept credit cards. Companies that use Square bypass credit card processor fees (although with Square, they will have to pay a transaction fee of almost 3 percent).
#6 Buffer
This app will help you with what you need to post to social networks. Buffer automatically uploads what you want to share to Twitter and Facebook and it does it most likely when your business has already closed up shop for the night.
#7 Evernote
Evernote is a bit like a Trapper Keeper for the digital age. You remember the binder/notebook with the tabs and the pockets? The concept is the same. Evernote allows small business teams to share and store – in one place – notes, to-do lists, ideas, future projects, you name it.
Small business owners will never stop worrying about their companies. But they can get some help!

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